The Gathering Technical blog

SmartOptics continues helping The Gathering and Tech:Net :)

20 Mar 2014, by from Tech:Net

We in :Net are very lucky to have SmartOptics with us on our side.

We were in the same situation this year as last year, desperate in need for WDM optical transceivers, and a couple of phone calls later they confirmed availability on the wavelengths we needed and that they wanted to be a part of TG yet again.

And because they regard TG as very awesome, we already started talking about what we can do for TG15. How cool isn’t that? 😀

You didn’t read last years article? Who are SmartOptics you say? SmartOptics is a awesome company specializing in high quality optical transceivers and WDM systems. One of their newest products that we in :Net is totally in awe over is the new embedded WDM system T-series platform;
This is a 1RU WDM system which supports 10Gig, 40Gig and coherent 100Gbps, that scales up to a 2000km reach (T-9910-C) and without the need for additional DWDM equipment. Aside from the obvious benefit from the pizza box design, the system is modular with hot-swappable redundant PSU’s and fan module.


For more detailed information about the T-series system and pictures;

Coherent 100G on one pair of fiber cable is possible through something called super-channel: – defined in the standard OTU4, which can be very easily described by this picture:
datasheet<em>c78-478689</em>0629_2″ /></a></p>
<p><em>*Last year we wrote about what WDM is, and about the M-Series:<br />
*</em><a href=

If you need optical transceivers or a WDM-system, contact SmartOptics for good advice, very good service and quality products: 🙂


TG - Technical Blog is the unofficial rambling place for The Gathering.