The Gathering Technical blog

TG14 Tech-solutions…

02 Apr 2014, by from Tech:Net

So… we have been quite busy between TG13 and TG14. We have been working intensely on how we can make TG even better and future proof, both for us – the entire crew and last but not least and actually the most important: THE PARTICIPANTS! 🙂

We are happy to announce that the internet connection will be provided through the same partners that contributed last year. Blix Solutions AS will be the one providing the internet capacity at their data center in Oslo, same as last year 30Gig (with optional +10Gig), while Eidsiva bredbånd AS will take care of the L1 transport link between Oslo and Hamar. SmartOptics AS will provide us with the optical transceivers the link requires.

We had a very good experience working with Blix Solutions, Eidsiva bredbånd and SmartOptics and we look forward to work with them again! 🙂

Blix is also sponsoring the servers to TG, which makes it possible with for instance DNS, DHCP, MBD, Stream and much more.

The core network equipment will be delivered by one of our main sponsors, Cisco, and we are very happy and proud to be working with them yet again. Same as last year are we building the hierarchical model this year also. Core – Distribution – Access. We build with the same network equipment as last year with but a few minor upgrades.

The most interesting with this year would be that we will continue to focus on the Wireless network. Last year was the first time we provided a full scale Wireless experience, and we learned a lot! We hope to get the Wifi working even better for TG14. Our goal is to have a stable 5GHz service from day one. This is really a big challenge based on the hostile environment we are given, but this year Cisco have provided us with the stadium wireless (same as they have in Telenor Arena), and we are really going for it!

We will also provide a new internal service for the crew, which is VoIP (or IP Telephony). This will help all our staff to communicate much easier when they need to have a conversation that is not proper to have on a walkie-talkie. All in all, we are set on making the situation better for everyone, and a big thanks to Cisco for making it possible!

Atea is still one of our main sponsors and Tech’s main contributors. They provide transport, shipping handling, cars, equipment and people. Working under a non-profit organisation we don’t have all the money in the world and we are very much in the good grace of our very nice sponsors to achieve what we do and continue develop.

Lynet Internett will sponsor us with the webcams this year. This gives everyone a chance to get a glimpse of all the awesomeness going on. The web cameras will be available from approximately Saturday/Sunday and throughout the event.

Regarding the fiber installation we are working on these days, you can read the post about our first trip to Vikingskipet for installing the cables here:

And here:

We wish to mention the main contributors that made the fiber installation possible:
Tessta & Ninjafiber – for lending us fiber rollers, thank you! 🙂
Atea – for lending us fiber welding and testing equipment, cars and resources. Thank you! 🙂
eMCOM – for lending us fiber welding equipment for a very nice price 🙂
HOA – especially Tor Arne and Knut for being very forthcoming and helping with everything. Thank you 🙂

And a big thank you to the contributors for the design, pricing, purchase, project management, installing and everything regarding the labor around the fiber upgrade:

Fredrik Haarstad
Designing, pricing, acquired equipment and installing.
Member of Tech:Net, works for Lynet Internett

Martin Karlsen
Project manager and installation.
Member of Tech:Net, works for Marcello Consulting

Jostein Grepperud
Expert fiber installer.
Worked previously in Relacom – works now for Marcello Consulting – Thank you! 🙂

Mathias Bøhn Grytemark
Expert fiber installer.
Member of Tech:Net – worked previously in Relacom – works now for Vestviken 110 (emergency services)

Espen K. Olsen
MacGyver, installing and fixing odds and ends.
Member of Tech:Net – works for Atea.

Erlend Røsok
Network Ninja, planning, installing and fixing odds and ends.
Member of Tech:Net – works for MET (Meteorologisk institutt).


TG - Technical Blog is the unofficial rambling place for The Gathering.