The Gathering Technical blog

Invitation: Tech meetup at The Gathering 2017!

21 Mar 2017, by from Tech:Net

Do you do Tech-stuff at a computer party? Any computer party? Then this is for you.

We are looking to put together an informal “Tech-meetup” during The Gathering 2017. The exact program is yet to be decided, the only thing we know is who we want there: Anyone who are part of a tech crew at a computer part or similar event.

This is the result of seeing just how many great people there are out there. And to be more open about what we do at The Gathering, or any other computer party.

The idea is simple: We meet up during the event. Most likely some time during Friday (daytime), but that’s subject to change. We perhaps do a small presentation of TG tech crew with a twist of some sort, Q&A, and then open the floor to discussion about whatever. There’s no super-hard agenda. We can talk about TCP checksum mechanics, DHCP lease times, cable termination, how to best store switches, what candy makes for the best NOC-candy, pros and cons of renting equipment versus buying it. Or just exchange “war stories”.

Does this sound interesting? Then drop me a mail at and let me know. This isn’t an application, just a “I want in! I’ve been setting up the network at this local party with 40 participants for the last few years and this would be fun!” thing.

I’m sure we should’ve put together a better sign-up process, but we’re lazy.

Well, I’m lazy anyway. If my mail-box explodes due to this, we might have to rethink this.

From “our” side you can expect me and whoever I manage to kidnap. I know several people in the NOC have expressed an interest. We’ll also obviously provide some sort of room.


TG - Technical Blog is the unofficial rambling place for The Gathering.