The Gathering Technical blog

Reminder: Tech meetup during The Gathering

03 Apr 2017, by from Tech:Net

The Tech-crew meetup planned during The Gathering 2017 is starting to take shape.

A brief summary of what it is: a social event for people who do tech-related work at computer parties. See the original invite for details.

So far this is what I know:

Time: Friday, 18:00, location disclosed to those who are invited (which is anyone who drop me an e-mail).

I’ve gotten 9 signups, totaling 16+ people, not counting myself or whoever from Tech:Net at TG is available. All together more than 10 different parties are represented, spanning all sizes.

And there’s still room for lots and lots more. So if you volunteer at a computer party or similar event in a technical capacity and want to hangout, drop me an e-mail at and I’ll add you to the list (Please let me know what party(or parties) and roughly size, and if it’s just you or if you bring a friend (or friends)).

The agenda is pretty hazy. I figure this is what we do:

  1. I say hello I suppose.

  2. Go around the room, everyone presents them self and tell us a little bit about what party (or parties) they volunteer for. Nice things to include is size, where you get your stuff from (rent? borrow? steal? “bring your own device”?), what you do for internet, special considerations, or really whatever comes to mind.

  3. ????

  4. ????

What I want to avoid is that this becomes a “Tech:Net at The Gathering tells you how to do stuff”-thing. We’re represented, and we’ll obviously talk about whatever, but we’re all there as equal participants. Many of the challenges we have with 5000 participants is irrelevant to most of you, yet smaller parties have challenges and opportunities that are just as interesting to discuss.

If you want to do a small presentation, or want to talk about a specific topic, then let me know and we’ll make room for it.

Topics I might suggest to get things started:

(X) Do you do end-user support? How much/little?

(X) How do you get a deal with an ISP? Do you have someone you can call if the uplink goes down at 2AM?

(X) Do you use subnetting at all? If so: What was the breaking point where it became necessary?

(X) Where do you get equipment from?

(X) Firewalling? Either voluntary or involuntary (e.g.: getting internet through filtered school network)

(X) Public addresses or NAT?

(X) Do you provide IPv6? Do you care? Do you want to?

(X) ?????

We have the room until we’re done basically. and there’ll be some type of food. If there aren’t too many of us, there might be time for a unique guided tour too, but I’m not making any promises (remember: I’m lazy).

Update: We’re now up to 23 “confirmed” signups representing at least 13 different events. And we’ve secured food, courtesy of KANDU.


TG - Technical Blog is the unofficial rambling place for The Gathering.