The Gathering Technical blog

Tech Gathering – Design (02.02.2013)

07 Mar 2013, by from Tech:Net

We in the Tech crew had a social and technical gathering the second of February. We in :Net drafted the first version of the network design. From there could we discuss the design with :Support and :Server to get input from their point of view. We are 32 people in total in Tech which are 100% dependent on teamwork to be able to change something or introduce something new into the design.

We ended up with a lot of discussions, as usual;

Before we finally ended up with a draft we all could agree upon;

We met with the others after the network design session,
and people are patiently waiting for food;
People<em>waiting</em>2″ /></a></p>
<p>While some of us had to prepare the food;<br />
<a href=Food<em>soon</em>served” /></a></p>
<p>And food was eaten, and people were happy 🙂<br />
<a href=Food_served

Peter (Organizer) held a little status update, and open discussion after the food;

And discussions were flying high and low after people had filled their bellies 😛

And, as always, someone had to explain something on a napkin;
Explanation<em>of</em>something<em>in</em>the_ship” /></a></p>

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